joorev - Club Diver

01. What are the two major functions of the ears?

02. There are three distinct areas in the ear. To which one is the Eustachian tube attached?

03. What is the function of the Eustachian tube?

04. Briefly explain what happens when a diver equalise?

05. What can prevent a diver from clearing his/her ears?

06. Why should a diver never wear earplugs when diving?

07. What are sinuses?

08. How does a blocked sinus affect the diver?

09. Your buddy indicates that s/he cannot descend because of a pain in his/her forehead. What do you suggest?

10. What are the two main gases exchanged in respiration?

11. Where does this exchange take place?

12. What carries the oxygen to every living cell in the body?

13. Trace the pathway of air from the atmosphere to blood

14. Describe briefly the circulatory system

15. Outline the pathway of oxygen from the blood capillaries in the lungs to the brain

16. What is the diaphragm and what is its role in breathing?

17. Describe briefly the heart and how it functions

18. Name at least three pulse points in the body

19. What is the normal resting heart rate of an adult?

20. What is the normal resting breathing rate of an adult?

21. What is the average lung volume in litres in an adult?

22. Explain the term 'residual volume'.

23. What is the difference between hypoxia and anoxia?

24. What are the greatest contributors to hypoxia?

25. How long can the brain last without oxygen?

26. List at least three causes, which may interfere with ventilation.

27. Explain what you understand by shallow water blackout.

28. What is the first aid for near drowning?

29. 100% oxygen should be given in all cases of near drowning. True or false? Explain your answer.

30. What is dry drowning?

31. What is the difference between salt and freshwater drowning?

32. In the case of a near drowning where a casualty appears to recover fully. Is it necessary to bring the casualty to hospital? Why?

33. What is the normal core body temperature?

34. What does the term hypothermia mean?

35. Where is the body core?

36. Where is the temperature control regulator of the body located?

37. When entering cold water many divers experience an urge to urinate. Suggest a physiological reason for this.

38. List the combination of conditions, which can lead to hypothermia.

39. Explain vasoconstriction.

40. What is the treatment for hypothermia?

41. What steps can be taken to avoid hypothermia?

42. Where is the site of greatest heat loss in the body?

43. A diver has just pulled a casualty from the very cold water and cannot detect a pulse. Is it prudent to start CPR? Why?

44. Vigorously rubbing casualty, warming with hot water bottles, and giving alcohol are considered dangerous ways to treat a hypothermic casualty. Discuss.

45. When is a diver sure the casualty has recovered from hypothermia?