01. What Cardinal Mark flashes 9 times every 15 seconds? |
02. What Cardinal Mark has the following colour scheme: Black on top, Yellow below? |
03. Under power at night you see a vessel showing a green light and a white light above. Which side of the vessel are you approaching? |
04. What causes tides? |
05. What type of tide would you associate with no moon? |
06. If the sun and moon were at right angles, what type of tide would you expect? |
07. What has the greater influence on the tides, the Sun or the Moon? |
08. What is the best time to dive on a wreck in a tidal area? |
09. True north. Where is this in comparison to Magnetic north? |
10. What is the term given to the difference between true and magnetic north? |
11. What causes deviation? |
12. How many point should be used when taking a Fix? |
13. If true course is 60°, variation is 9°w, what is the magnetic course? |
14. LW 10.00 1.0M. HW 16.00 4.6M. Tidal range is 3.6M. What height is the tide at 12.00? |
15. In an area of low pressure would the tide be higher or lower than normal? |
16. Tidal diamonds are magenta symbols on a chart. What information is given on the associated table? |
17. What are leading lights? |
18. What are sector lights? |
19. In a low pressue system, in what direction does the wind blow? |
20. On the beaufort scale, what represents a gale force? |
21. In what sea area is Valentina Island? |
22. Draw the top mark cones you would expect to see on Cardinal Marks and state their purpose. |